Monday, 14 November 2016

Energy Alternatives - An Introduction

Fossil fuels have long been relied upon to provide energy due to their plenty abundance through forms of coal, oil and gas. The three sources all however – which made up 82% of the energy sources in 2011, release carbon dioxide. As of September 2016, measurements of carbon dioxide were at 404.42ppm. Carbon dioxide has been rising drastically (figure 1) and is the highest it has been in modern anthropogenic conditions.

Figure 1Atmospheric CO2 Levels - seasonal cycles omitted (Source: 

As a Greenhouse Gas, Carbon Dioxide is an enabler of climate change through global warming. This reliance upon fossil fuels as a viable energy option needs to then change if we are to reduce the amount of emissions. Existing amounts of carbon dioxide also need to be addressed as it will continue to affect the planet. In considering if there is any way in which there can be a reversal in climate change there are multiple options:  
  1.  Renewable Energy
  2. Geoengineering
  3. Nuclear
Over the next few posts I will unpack these and consider their viability as an alternative to fossil fuels.

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